6% ABV, Bottle

Appearance: Clear and golden. Almost no head but lots of carbonation.
Aroma: Citrusy smell. Hop presence but nothing overpowering.
Taste: Lots of bittering hops right off the bat. Tart with just a hint of floral sweetness.
Mouthfeel: Light body. Complimentary to the aroma and taste.

Short’s Brewing Kind Ale is one of the many wet hop pale ales from Michigan breweries that you’ll find on the shelves this fall. The American Pale Ale is brewed with local hops from the Leelanau Peninsula, and lacks slightly in nose but has a nice presence in taste and mouthfeel. While this ale has some sweet finishing qualities, it does leave a lingering bitter taste in your mouth that some may or may not care for.

This review first appeared on MittenBrew.com

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